Thursday, October 8, 2009

thoughts about work

indeed, time passes more quickly when i returned for work. its already friday tomorrow. in fact, tis better for me this way in the following ways -

1) better nuitrition
before - sleep till 11 or 12, eat plain porridge for lunch with egg, or sometimes maggi mee
now - many more frequent meals throughout the day. usually start the day with soya milk and a slice of bread. mini breakfast again at about 8+, 9. lunch by noon - proper rice with meat and veg and stuff.

2) more exercise
before - minimal activity. couch-kitchen-room-toilet-couch in a 66sqm space.
now - 4 storeys of climbing at times and frequent walking and standing
which is better for my aching tailbone (from too much sitting)

3) more socialising
before - tv-internet-tv-internet-nap-tv-internet
now - more fun and laughter chit-chatting with colleagues
it got to a point where i was really really bored stiff at home, which made me realise i am probably not suited to be a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom). of course, i would still love to spend more time with my family and at least be with my child for the first year, but i dont think i will be happy staying at home permanently and not work for the rest of my life. i will still NEED my social life.

my used-to-be bottomless-pithole belly button is now closing up fast.. its becoming more of a slit now with no hole to be seen. i think it will soon pop out. *ew*

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