Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Friday, May 25 2007 - It has been confirmed


i am truly blessed :)

*takes deep breath*

i cant wait to embark on the next 9 months of the journey. it will be so darn exciting :) i cant believe i have a thing growing inside of me alive. it just feels so weird.

i am 7 days late. 7 freaking days of frantically checking for signs of red. everything just feels so normal. tender boobs, puffy tummy, all signs of period to come and thankfully, no nausea - yet. i am really praying that i will stay this way throughout the entire term. i cant imagine feeling and being sick for months.

i couldnt take it no more. i had to get it tested.

bought the test kit for the first time in my life and tried it. heart racing as i watch the 2 most wonderful lines intersecting forming the sacred


it is the most beautiful symbol so far.
ok now.. so what?? what do i do? what should i do??
i think first of all, i should stop freaking out and get a hold of myself. :)

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